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Sunday Worship Time is 9:30am
Evening Service at 5:30pm Zoom only
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As New Year’s Day approaches let us give thanks to God for his faithfulness and goodness.
The past year has been a challenge for many of us. We have faced personal struggles, community crises, the loss of loved ones to say nothing of the global uncertainties, through it all, God has been with us, providing strength, comfort, and hope.
Because we are entering a new year, let us recommit ourselves to following Jesus Christ. Let us love God with all our hearts, minds, souls and strength and let us love our neighbors as ourselves. Let us together strive to be a beacon of hope and love in our community and in the world. Let us share the good news of Jesus Christ with others. And let us work together to build a better future for all.
On behalf of the Vestry, I wish you a blessed and prosperous New Year. May God fill you with his love, joy, and peace.
Fr. Bill+
Advent means “coming.” The coming of the baby Jesus, God among us in human flesh. The coming of Christ again “the Son of man coming in clouds with great power and glory. In between those two great comings is God’s constant longing for each of us to come to God, to love God, and to let God love us. “Be alert.” Notice. Listen. Watch. For what? For the ways God will choose to get our attention this season. For those moments when we notice that our ways are not in alignment with God’s ways. For those shimmering glimpses of the Kingdom of God.